11. Quick command reference

11.1. Shell commands

# Where in the directory tree am I?

# List the documents and sub-directories in the current directory

# a bit nicer listing with more information
ls -laF

# Change into your home directory
cd ~

# Change back into the last directory
cd -

# Change one directory up in the tree
cd ..

# Change explicitly into a directory "temp"
cd temp

# Quickly show content of a file "temp.txt"
# exist the view with "q", navigate line up and down with "k" and "j"
less temp.text

# Show the beginning of a file "temp.txt"
head temp.txt

# Show the end of a file "temp.txt"
tail temp.txt

11.2. General conda commands

# To update all packages
conda update --all --yes

# List all packages installed
conda list [-n env]

# conda list environments
conda env list

# create new env
conda create -n [name] package [package] ...

# activate env
conda activate [name]

# deavtivate env
conda deactivate